7 amulets to attract the luck in your hands

Goal is to great good luck charm, is widespread throughout the world. Talismans were made of different materials — stone, clay, or wood. All residents of a certain locality would be such a talisman. The businesses successful. Such magic has not lost the significance.

the lucky charm

What exactly the mascot to bring good luck

Everyone needs a little luck every day, the event went well positive. A talisman can achieve the success much easier. This appears in a person's life due to several events.

  1. Necessary amulet, the owner may have completely accidentally. Very often, these items find on the street, close to the home, and at work. Completely such items can also be lucky.
  2. You can buy the appropriate mascot. They give the stores to spetsializiruyutsya such things.
  3. The best solution is if you have a lucky hand. Such elements more intense energy.

Happy findings

The items discovered accidentally in the street, come in handy. Such wards can be a gift of nature — some interesting stones, shells unusual shape of the plant.

The most well-known plant, which is able to success, the clover. But there's only one plant, good luck — the one where the 4 petals.

If someone is so lucky to have such a gift of nature, this is definitely worth keeping. The petals of the clover are often placed in the bracelet of good luck. They're to pour into the glass or epoxy resin, then the form of the pearl. This mascot is very compact, but strong. Bracelet role in the decoration.

A good sign found on coins, especially if they are characteristic of the region in which it is detected. If the mintage year of the coin matches the date of birth of the person, such protection will be more effective, but these are the amulets good luck on any further measures necessary with them. Coins need water purification of the water or the fire to get rid of the energy of the previous owner.

Homemade charm

A very common group of amulets an amulet, good luck with the hand. They can be different shapes, sizes — small, tasty, strong, and distinctive.

It all depends on the purpose and the motive of production. Slavic ancient talismans for good luck, usually containing ancient runes, which have a great influence on the human energy field.

If a person has no experience creating magical items, not immediately the complex technology. This can lead to the failure. It is better to go with something simple and gradually evolving. Then the luck does not give the people a half.

To weave a bracelet, lucky

One of the most common amulets — this is the bracelet more thread. Easy to produce, but its effectiveness is indisputable. Amulet in the form of bracelets, to attract the luck was spread among the Norse. They thought that even the simplest weave is able to bring happiness to the people who made this ornament.

To a bracelet is very simple. To do this, you will need yarn or colorful ribbon in these colors:

a talisman
  • red;
  • blue;
  • green.

Each color has a special meaning. Red Scandinavians showed how much the person wants to achieve the fulfillment of your cherished dreams. The blue color of the weave so-called gods, that they have provided all possible assistance to the one who asks for fulfillment of a wish. Green yarn or ribbon meant wealth, and ways generated by.

To weave, to complete a bracelet a lot of success, we need to be prepared. All netting to better the crescent moon or the full moon. This bracelet and fill up the necessary energy.

The weaving you need to prepare the room. The room should be well ventilated. If possible, it is better to participate in the creation of the amulet, hands in the air. So a talisman of good luck is going to absorb the force of the air, the earth.

The fibers to be connected in the form of braids, alternately winding among each other. Pigtail necessary to connect the clasp. Better copper or silver. These metals are a special energy, which focuses on the wealth of the house.

It is better to wear this decoration is not the hand, but ankle. Then the bracelet will be closer to the ground— to be able to absorb the infinite energy and is constantly charged.

Bracelets that bring good luck, is inserted in the left half of the body that affect the energy centers of the human.

Fill the talisman, hand-made, it is necessary during the creation process thinking that it is going to change in a person's life. You need to weave, just the positive thoughts, I didn't have to concentrate on the mistakes, bad luck this time. How to bring positive effect on the subject.

Buttons were woven on the luck, it is not necessary to remove the leg. To keep in contact. This allows you to connect your aura. When the bracelet breaks, or is lost, then only one thing — he began to perform its function. Soon after damage or loss items must follow the successful events.

Choose a talisman for good luck with work

A lot of people want to be successful in a particular sphere. Some people are actively involved in the business, so they're trying to pick up the amulet, mainly just good luck. A talisman to attract money, you don't need a lot of materials.

  1. A great coin. It was better for the foreign and the new. Nicer than the coin, the stronger the effect.
  2. A piece of cloth. It is better to try to choose natural materials — cotton, flax. They better absorb the energy flow, so the work will be more effective.

It is necessary to sew a fabric bag, which can accommodate a selected coin. The Flash bag to get red or green. Red succeed, the green property.

That amulet that brings wealth, good luck, was more effective, you need to embroider the bags with symbols. Maybe the Celtic runes. A combination of these, which is a pouch for a coin to increase a person's energy flow, thus more successful, diligent.

If the fabric has a special character — it will strengthen the sixth sense. It is very useful for those who negotiate and control the exchange rate. Intuition can help them to make the necessary decision.

There are special runes that will bring the riches of the characters. If you embroider them on the fabric, then you can achieve a stable financial situation, and to increase the capital.

You can charge the bill to attract the others. It is important to note that the larger denomination banknotes, the greater the prosperity, the happiness you can draw.

It is worth considering that most of the energy, the money to accumulate to the owner during the successful transaction. Especially lucky they donated money. Bill placed on the window sill when it rains moonlight. At this time, I sincerely want to generate a lot of wealth.

bracelet good luck

Draw the symbols on the Luck

If the person does not have the time to engage in the manufacture of a talisman, then it may be a very simple amulet, the waste materials. The simplest version is to use a talisman of cardboard.

It is necessary that the material is a high density, so that after production it will take longer. The color of the cardboard is not critical. But there are certain nuances, to attract good luck to the man: yellow, Gold, brown. They serve as a magnet for good luck.

Tie the sign to attract the luck you need when the clock strikes midnight. This is the optimal time. At midnight, the energy-flow change and is updated, so luck should change for the better.

The picture that has to do with the amulet home, called the pentacle. This particular sign. This shows the wheel of fortune. This pattern is designed to grab the luck as the bait.

After the picture is completed, then do a circle. This is not the fortune of the human hand. The symbol to be cut, trying to move strictly along the edges of the circle.

In order to this simple talisman is more effective, you need to conduct the rite of activation. Read the amulet, the words which stimulate that work. This is not a special magic. It is necessary that the words came from the heart.

Finally, cardboard is made, it is necessary to dip into the melted wax. Not only does this fix work, but it's a strain on the subject of positive energy.